Showing 8 Result(s)

Pay Down Tax Debt

Where do you start? When paying down your tax debt most people do not know where to start.  When there is multiple years of tax debt, it is even more confusing.  Most believe to pay down on the earliest tax debt is the best way to start.  I ask you to reconsider your choice. Current …

Abatement of Penalties

Abatement of Penalties Abatement of penalties is a great way to not only reduce penalties, but also eliminate interest accumulated on the penalty.  Accrued interest is not negotiable when reducing taxes and penalties.  Yet when you reduce your taxes or penalties, the interest is recomputed.  This can lead to lower interest you will be required …

Choosing a Tax Preparer?

How to Choose a Tax Preparer There is time before the tax filing season begin and choosing a tax return preparer now allow you to consider appropriate options during your search.  It also allow you time to do some wise tax planning for the rest of the year.  I suggest you not look for a cheap tax preparer who can get …